South Tynedale Railway runs an exciting Youth Development Scheme (YDS). Based upon the principle of employability, the YDS aims to add significant value to young people’s schooling through giving them a significant advantage in being ready for the world of work.
A heritage railway is not just about running trains!
Young people undergoing employability training on the railway are known as Strivers short for ‘South Tynedale Railway Inclusive Venture for the Education of Railway Staff’.
Shed 52C is the junior club for 9-14 year olds and will appeal to any youngster who is ‘mad about trains’. It has its own website where you can see the innovative way we combine our Computers Off, Hands On, Real Trains ( COHORT) philosophy with ‘mutual improvement’ for the digital age delivered on-line. The best of the old and the new!
Between 14 and 16 YDS members become fully fledged strivers and are allocated a mentor who they work-shadow to prepare for future volunteering, railway orientated apprenticeships or employment on the “big railway”.